ClearImage OEM V0

ClearImage OEM licensing is designed for high-volume customers that have an OEM License Agreement with Inlite.

The OEM Customer receives from Inlite the ClearImage OEM SDK containing all the components required to produce a properly licensed application for end-user distribution.

The OEM Customer’s application is assigned an 8-digit MasterID by Inlite. The OEM SDK includes a Stamper application ( _MasterId_0.exe ) that embeds the ClearImage license into the OEM application executable file.  Embedding should be performed after the OEM application is built and is ready for testing and release.   Once the license is embedded, the OEM application can use the specifically licensed ClearImage functionality on any computer at any time.  The Stamper can embed the OEM license only into the specific OEM application executable whose file name appears on the the list of applications negotiated between Inlite and the OEM customer.



On the development system

  • Run the ClearImage PDK installation file
  • Run the ClearImage OEM SDK installation file.
  • Register Stamper application, using the Stamper certificate provided by Inlite
  • Register a test certificate provided by Inlite, in order to develop and debug the OEM application before the final release is built and stamped.

Application code

Add the following code before any other calls to ClearImage API





Final build

Use the stamper to embed the OEM license in the OEM application. 
Execute the command line:

PF\ClearImage\COM\_MasterID_0 -ftarget     

PF c:\Program Files folder on 32-bit Windows c:\Program Files (x86) folder on 64-bit Windows
ftarget OEM application full path name

Stamper return errorlevel values to automate batch processing.

errorlevel Description
0 Operation successful
401 (0×191) Invalid command line parameter 
402 (0×192) OEM application file does not exist or can not be open
404 (0×194) OEM application file name is not valid for this OEM SDK 
416 (0×193) OEM Stamper is not registered
Other codes Contact Inlite technical support

End-user deployment

Add ClearImage components of ClearImage PDK to OEM Application installation. Inlite support will advise which modules to be installed and registered on end-user system.