ClearImage v9 Licensing

This document explains main licensing concepts and errors of the ClearImage v9. There are two runtime versions of ClearImage explained here.

  • Development, installed by the ClearImage SDK installer that is freely available.
  • Production, installed by ClearImage PDK installer that is sent to a customer after purchase of a license.
To learn about licensing of the ClearImage v11 see here.


Modules and Products

The ClearImage functionality is encapsulated in several modules. The major modules are:

Module Functions
CiBarcodePro Read 1D and postal barcodes (e.g., Code39, Code128, IMB)
CiPdf417 Read PDF417 Barcodes
CiQR Read QR Codes
CiDataMatrix Read DataMatrix Barcodes
CiDlIdReader Read one PDF417 barcode and/or one Code39 or Code128 barcode
WebApi REST API for barcode reading on a Web Server.
CiRepair Automatically repair images (e.g., auto-deskew, auto-rotate, clean noise)
CiTools Image analysis and modification (e.g., find lines, measure rotation)
CcMicr Read MICR line data on check images.

The ClearImage functionality is acquired by purchasing a license for ClearImage products, which are:

Product Modules
ClearImage Reader 1D CiBarcodePro
ClearImage Reader 2D CiPdf417, CiDataMatrix, CiQR
ClearImage Reader 1D+2D CiBarcodePro, CiPdf417, CiDataMatrix, CiQR
ClearImage DL/ID License Reader CiDlIdReader
ClearImage IP CiRepair, CiTools
MICR Recognition CcMicr
Web API WebApi

Purchase, Registration and Licensing

Purchase and Support

After placing an order for one or more licenses for a product, the Inlite customer receives a registration certificate for the order.
The certificate is used to register the product on a physical computer or VM or Cloud instance ("target system"). Registering a product binds all of its licensed modules to the target system forever or until the license is transferred to another target system. Registration is done by clicking the Register Licenses button on the Licensing Tab of the Inlite Control Center (ICC)

Each license is associated with the support expiration date ("Support Date"). Upon the license purchase, the date is one year after the order date OR three years if additional support is purchased. To continue support beyond the initial date, customers can purchase the Software Assurance Program to extend and align support for ALL licenses owned by the customer to December 31 of the next year.

License Types

Licenses for most of the products are available in two types.

  • Server License operates on any Windows physical or virtual computer without limitations.
  • Workstation License is a low-cost license that imposes a performance limitation on the processed pages-per-minute (ppm) depending on the host environment:
    • 25 ppm operating under Windows 7, 8, 10 running on a physical computer.
    • 5 ppm operating under Windows Server or VM or on a Cloud instance
    To enforce the ppm limit, a call to open an image might take a longer time to complete.

Activation and Use

Multiple versions of ClearImage can be installed and used on the target system. Typically applications use the active version that is the registered COM object or GAC assembly, selected and displayed on the Version tab of the ICC. However, certain applications (e.g., registration-free COM, .Net Core, etc.) reference the version installed in the application directory. The runtime version is the version loaded by the application regardless of the loading mechanism.

Operational Modes

ClearImage operates in one of three modes:

  • Evaluation mode is a default mode for 60 days after ClearImage SDK or ClearImage PDK is installed for the first time. During the evaluation period all modules are licensed.
  • Production mode supports licensed customer’s production requirements. Calling unlicensed modules raises an error.
  • Development mode supports customer’s ongoing development after the expiration of the evaluation period.
    Periodic dialog boxes or error messages limit the ability to use ClearImage for production purposes.

Production Mode

Production mode operates ClearImage within the scope of the purchased licenses and is activated by:

  • Installation of the ClearImage PDK on the target system
  • The Activate Production Version button is clicked in the Version Tab of the ICC.

The customer receives download links to the eligible versions of ClearImage PDK. Eligibility is determined by the Support Date.
Call to an unlicensed module raises the "Use of unlicensed function" exception.

Development mode

Development mode supports customer’s continuous development and testing of unlicensed modules and is activated by:

  • Installing the ClearImage SDK on the target system, and the system is not in Evaluation or Production mode.
  • The Activate Development Version button is clicked in the Version Tab of the ICC.

The operations depend on a hosting application type:

  • UI applications (Windows or Console application) – An occasional dialog box is displayed, where the user is required to click a button to continue.
  • No-UI applications (Windows Service or Web Application or service) – A "use of unlicensed function" exception is raised.

Licensing errors

Use of unlicensed function

This error is generated in the Production mode when an application calls an unlicensed module. To avoid this error:

  • Remove or comment-out lines in the application that reference an unlicensed module, or
  • Purchase and register a license for the products containing an unlicensed module.